The church is not ready for the truth.

I’ve never been a gang banger

But an x-gang member told me they loved me

Yes, Leaders are made they never follow

Weak role models

We all learn from our mistakes

The truth looks strange

And for me it’s reverse


My heart goes out to the youth

That’s what one famous rapper said

and then he got shot.

I love my x-gang member friend

Even though we were never meant to be friends

We live by different rules

Born of different mothers

Yet we are both black

The truth looks strange

And for me it’s reverse


This world is full of playa haters

Church folk aren’t any different

We are all broken and fall short of grace

Yet we try to fix people with our messed up ideals

Don’t intellectualize and fail to recognize your own shortcomings

We are just as much part of the problem as the ones we condemn

Live sacrificially and die to self

For the truth is strange

And our righteousness is the reverse.


When you read the shortest book in the bible, you will notice why John praises one church for the good report it received from certain strangers. Today can the same be said about you??? or about the people you attempt to have church with?

It is no secret that church attendance in America has drastically deteriorated, as we seem to have succeeded in making it almost not worth the time to go to church with our repetitive sermons and superficial relationships.
We all the know the greatest longing in man is for love and man’s greatest fear is the fear of rejection and yet given the church’s mandate to be a light in this dark and cruel world we seem to only succeed in making others feel more alienated from a loving and gracious God.
A church that boasts of its righteousness fails in see that only Christ can impart righteousness. Only Christ can impart absolute love and satisfy our longing to find justice. His grace is sufficient.

Let us then boast in our own weakness and not in our strength so others may testify of our love for them. There is so much for us to do if we are to get over this malaise that threatens to destroy our church but we have to pull together and stop seeking after personal glory. The strong need to encourage the weak so we can become a united family in Christ.

May 2011 be a spiritually prosperous year for all of us who are in Christ.

It gave me great joy when some believers came and testified about your faithfulness to the truth, telling how you continue to walk in it. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters,[a] even though they are strangers to you. They have told the church about your love. (3 John 1:3-6)

Romans 11:6
And if by grace, then it cannot be based on works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace.

Galatians 2:16
know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified.

The Good Life

When the Lord calls human beings into a ministry, He is right there to help and enable them to grow in His ministry.

God fills in the blanks.

To grow in faith means to be tested and to know that the Good Life is being rich in Christ, with all the things He gives us, like peace, healing, and joy and also being thankful and content for all the things he has already bestowed on us.

He never forsakes the righteous and he is present in those times when we feel helpless.

When the temptation is great and the battle is fierce, he offers to fight our battles for us.

God hears us when we cry out during the battle.

What he embodies is Truth, love, grace, mercy, justice, compassion, the way that Jesus lived.

Today as I was waiting for my new car to get an oil change I decided to take a walk with God and ask him what he thought his plans for me were when he called me to come to the States…

and what I heard was that his plan for me is to learn everyday to depend on Him and to thank him for all the blessings and to share those blessings with others.

He asks me to put my confidence in Him and what He can do even when others lack confidence in me.

So today I’m more blessed not because I received a free car but because I am even more confident that God is with me as he helps me continue to grow in my faith journey and I hope that you are too.

1 Tim 1:6-12

6For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 7For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

8So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God, 9who has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, 10but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. 11And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher. 12That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day.

Be encouraged and be blessed as you continue to live “The Good Life.”

Why Love…? We Love to know that we are not Alone

There are five love languages according to Dr. Gary Chapman

1. words of affirmation

2. quality time

3. gifts

4. acts of service

5. and physical touch.

“Most couples don’t speak the same one,” he explains, “but feeling loved is the deepest emotional need we have.”

I like to express my love through spending quality time with someone and vice versa.

Whoever coined the phrase “time is money,” was really stating a fact because when you take time to listen and be with someone you are essentially giving them your most priced possession.

That is essentially why when one makes a lifetime committment to a spouse or to some kind of Faith it is considered as the most crucial decision you can ever make in life.

You potentially let go of how you dictate your own time and instead give it to another or share it with another human or divine being.

Gifts and acts of service are also right up there on my list because I believe spending quality time with someone involves sharing of gifts and serving them in one way or another.

The other two love languages, words of affirmation and physical touch are default love languages for me. What I mean by that is if I knew someone needed me to affirm them I would generously do so, in order for them to feel loved. Otherwise, I believe you have to earn those last two.

So this Valentine’s Day if you are thinking of how to make me feel loved try to spend quality time with me, shower me with gifts and don’t hesitate to also serve me in the best way possible and I’ll try to express my love in a way you can feel loved too.

I’m not trying to be vain its just a thought.

Here are Great Quotes on Love; the last one is my fav.

Love: a temporary insanity, curable by marriage. – Ambrose Bierce

Love at first sight is easy to understand; it’s when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle. – Amy Bloom

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings. – Anais Nin

If you have love in your life it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don’t have it, no matter what else there is, it’s not enough. – Ann Landers

Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back. – Arthur Rubinstein

The love we give away is the only love we keep. -Elbert Hubbard

Why love if losing hurts so much? We love to know that we are not alone. – C.S Lewis

Have a Love-Filled Valentine’s Day!



What can the church learn from President Obama


From his town hall meeting in Florida today Barack Obama      said his hope was that what the American people expect of him would be similar to what he expects of himself.

He also stated the kind of questions he asks himself every single day in order for him to do his best. Which is;

a. ‘did I work as hard as I could’

b. ‘did I seek out the best possible advice’

c. ‘did I stay focused on the people who sent me to Washington

d. and if something is not working and I make a mistake am I open minded enough to admit it and then move on and try something else that works.

The current American President expects to be judged on results. He doesn’t expect to be applauded if he is not doing a good job.

So are we asking ourselves the same questions in the church because we should be the ones in the front line fighting to save lives.

Can we be proactive enough and be willing to be judged on our performance here on Earth or are we hoping to receive an applause in heaven for a job half done.

We are called to sacrifice and share God’s unconditional love; to bear the cross of Christ even in the hard times.

Too Proud to Pray to God

images6 There are four hungers within each one of us;

i. physical hunger-which we share with the animal world

ii. aesthetic hunger-which we share in common with other    human beings

iii. spiritual hunger-which recognizes its need for God

iv. divine hunger-which seeks to imitate God’s love as we spend ourselves in the cause of godly causes

When you look around in this world you see much of the physical and the aesthetic hunger. In the sensuality and material pursuits and the arts.

But when you come down to the spiritual hunger it gets narrower and narrower and narrower.

Man either defines himself Materially or Spiritually.

When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the LORD your God for the good land he has given you. 11 Be careful that you do not forget the LORD your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. 12 Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine houses and settle down, 13 and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, 14 then your heart will become proud and you will forget the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. (Deut. 8)

The problem with man is not the absence of evidence it is the suppression of it.

Alexandra Solzenitzen spoke at Harvard many years ago on the bankruptcy of man  and the Harvard university students booed him and he later went into seclusion.

In 1981 when he received the Templeton prize for religion he said this- when he was a young boy in Russia he would hear his parents talking and they would all ask why they seemed to be going through such a terrible time in the Soviet Union. And as they would be discussing that he would be listening to their answers and the answers were always the same. ‘It is because we have forgotten God.’

Now since those days he has written thousands of pages and read thousands of articles and books but if today you were to ask him one simple question-what is the cause of the malaise and the malady that pervades all over the Western world right now-He says his answer to you would be in one simple comment-It is because men have forgotten God.

He is the forgotten factor in National Survival.

Abraham Lincoln in 1863, A Proclamation of Fasting and Prayer said this, “We have been preserved this many years with peace and prosperity. We have grown in wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us. And we have vainly imagined in the deceitfulness of our hearts that all this blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and persevering grace. Too proud to pray to God, to the God who has made us.”

We are like the Israelites whom God gave the law and their identity but one thing the law could not do was change their consciouses.

There is no religion that can change you on the inside the way Christ does because he has entered the holy of holies and his blood changes not only what you do but what you want to do and changes why you want to do it.

Humility, Spirituality and Faith comes because of what Christ does in our Conscious.

“The hardness of God is kinder than the hardness of men and his compulsion is our liberation.”

When we recognize that we come to him and realize what his mercy is all about.

Are you willing to bend that knee and say alright Lord I humble myself before you, that spiritual center is going to be my pursuit. I come to you by faith.

With Faith, Humility and Spirituality he will get us over the battles ahead.

I’m not Poor because I have a Savior

I don’t know if this applies to you but I know it applies to me. I was in church today and I heard a testimony from missionaries who had visited Marera town in Kisumu city  (which is 20 miles from where Barack Obama’s father’ tombstone lies in Kenya) and they were astounded by how much faith the people there had and how thankful they were for the little things.

These people lived in mud huts and their families had been ravaged by H.I.V and yet they were still hopeful and had complete trust in God. They said every time they prayed the word thank you (‘erokamano’-in luo) was mentioned over twenty times in a four minute prayer.

There were even ladies who carried 5 gallons (40 pounds) of water on their heads for long distances over two times a day with a smile on their faces because they knew the little money they made would help to feed their families.

Having lived here in America for so long I feel spoiled . I forget sometimes that God is always with me and his joy is my strength even in times of trouble.

Like Paul, I should consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord.

To know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings…

And not let my mind be on earthly things instead focus on things I do have for my citizenship is in heaven.

And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. (Phil. 2:1-2)

Read Philippians 3

We are living in a world of knowledge and we wonder where is the truth?

God is like the sun, you cannot look at it, but without it you can’t look at anything else.

We are living dangerously in North America assuming that by our power and by our will and by our knowledge and by our progress we don’t need to be thankful to anyone anymore. We have pulled ourselves by our technological and economic and intellectual bootstraps.

If this is the case we’ll be the first of 21 civilizations daring this kind of experiment.

We seem to have lost that sense of gratitude whilst the whole idea of gratitude is indispensable for existence.

When that sense of Enchantment and Wonder is lost then a sense of Emptiness begins to dawn because wonder no longer holds the attention of the mind.

There is nothing in history like the union of contrast which confronts us in the gospels.

The mystery of Jesus, says James Stewart is the mystery of divine personality.

The meaning in wonder is not in experience, its not in verbage alone but it is in being rooted and related to the very creator and designer of our beings and that wonder comes in Christ who alone is that perpetual novelty.

In our early years we find meaning in that sense of wonder but in our rigorous years we cannot just find meaning in fantasy because we are looking for a world where we are in our education – where do you find that knowledge, where do we find that truth.


This was a question asked to a group of students in Canada. And they said they were looking for someone they could believe in.

We are living in a world of knowledge and we wonder where is the truth?

The problem in your life and mine is not the availability or the lack of availability of truth it is the hypocrisy of our search.

Truthfulness in the heart precedes truth in the objective world. Intent is prior to content.

The modern man wants to reconstruct reality to suit his/her own passions and the answer is the technique or technology.

Jesus said truth lay in his person. The only one who ever laid claim to it in those terms.

This is taken from Ravi Zacharias broadcast on the topic, ‘In Search of Meaning-part 2.’

25 Random Things About Me :)

1. I am committed to LOVE, the kind that is three-fold. The Love of God, The Love of Self, and the Love of Neighbor. I have to admit loving my neighbor is harder than the first two.

2. I have never been fond of dogs especially the kind that bite because I had to get 38 rabbies shots when I was ten after getting bit by one.

3. I enjoy having deep meaningful conversations with someone rather than spending time in church listening to long sermons that lack practical application.

4. I admire people who love to give of their time, money and gifts because I hope to be like them one day.

5. I believe learning a dance with someone is the easiest way to knowing what kind of person they are-if they are shy, honest, hard-working, cheerful, positive, detail-oriented, inquisitive, etc..thats why I love to teach dance because I’m able to tell who I can trust. Its harder for me to trust someone who doesn’t want to dance with me.

6. I hope to play in the 2010 world cup in South Africa because I think only soccer coaches know more about soccer than I do. If I can get the chance to put into practice what I know the possibilities are endless 🙂

7. I was the fastest sprinter in my 8th grade although I lost the final race by a whisker because I had a tinier head.

8. I like when people laugh at my jokes because it makes me think I’m funny even though I know I’m not.

9. I believe people who are heavenly minded and earthly good are the best kind of leaders like Abraham Lincoln.

10. My most favorite place in the world is THOMPSON FALLS in Nyahururu, Kenya.

11. My goal in Life is to be a Great Leader with a vision to serve with a pure heart.

12. The only movies I have watched more than 3 times are Rocky I, II AND IV. Rocky II is my fav.

13. I have a sister who is 11 years younger than me and she Rocks coz she listens to me when I give her advice and she is also very sweet and kind. I know it runs in the family..

14. I like to take my time in the shower because I can sing and pray without anyone interrupting me while I’m taking my shower.

15. I have nephews and nieces who are old enough to be my parents.

16. I am opposed to parties that are exclusive.

17. I treasure long weekend get-away trips alone or with someone I Love.

18. I have a phobia for roller coasters. Its sad coz I think I would wet my pants or cry if I had to get on one by myself.

19. I can spend a whole day listening to music by myself.

20. I’m Melancholic. A Perfectionist by nature.

21. I find country music calming when I’m driving and love southern hospitality.

22. I believe sharing God’s love with others is the best gift you can ever give and its free.

23. My favorite drink is Krest Bitter Lemon and the last time I had it was four years ago in Kenya. I really miss home.

24. I perspire profusely when I give a speech in front of people but I don’t think anything would stop me from giving one if I needed to.

25. I value loyalty too like every other dog lover and so I think I can still relate with other humans.


A story is told of a 62 year old Christian lady in China who had never met a Christian in over 30 years until a pastor and his wife came by.

20086281456399199Everyone in Guilin knew her. Her father owned all the property in the area. Her father and mother were Christians but when the communists took over because her father and mother were wealthy and educated they killed them.

30 years ago she had been put on trial one night in a sports stadium full of people. They made her take all her clothes off to humiliate her and the judge said to her if you renounce Jesus I’ll set you free.

Now the Chinese have a little thing about them sometimes where you can say something with your mouth but not mean it with your heart. So all the people who were at the stadium sat thinking if she could just say it he would let her go; but they were shocked when she turned to the judge and said I will follow Jesus the rest of my life.

The judge got angry and sentenced her to a life sentence of cleaning a sewer in the city of Guilin. Sewers in those days were open ditches where the sewer went down the ditch and her job was with a rake to clean that ditch everyday.

When she met the pastor and his friend she asked them to pray.

That was the first time she had heard a Christian pray in 30 years.

The pastor then asked to hear her pray and the first thing out of her mouth was – (In Chinese of course) -I praise you – she repeated this phrase for a little while and then she said – I thank you – then she said, ‘donje’-Chinese for thank you for giving me something – she went on and on thanking God for giving her something..

What would your prayer have been?

Now the American missionary pastor did what any good American would do and took out all the money he had in his pocket and didn’t need and handed it to her and said this is a gift but she told him to keep it. She didn’t want that.

She said all she wanted in the whole world was a copy of God’s word.

The pastor didn’t have one with him at the time so he went to find one but he could only find a crammy looking one. She grabbed it and put it to her breast and said, “precious, precious, precious” and started to cry…

She pointed to her bed and said thats not precious, thats not precious (the equivalent of a four year salary that they had offered to her before and placed on her bed stand), there is only one thing thats precious-its this (the bible). She hadn’t held it for thirty years. She knew some of it but now she could know all of it.

She went on and on and on about how much this special gift meant to her-a crammy looking bible – and then she said to the pastor, “Go back to your country and tell them the answer is found in this book, God’s word.”

Atheists will tell us that life is nothing more than matter but this woman, the story that she tells is of a purely spiritual need that she had for God

You can not ultimately smother the hunger of the human heart. This is one of the distinctives of human beings.

“In his image he made us.”

The story of this woman is a remarkable expression of her irrepressible zeal to know God, to love God against all odds and to find his word again.

So is this story of this woman’s strong heartfelt need evidence for God?

Well, according Ravi Z. – A person’s hungers and loves do not alone come to a point of demonstrating that something is true. But when you put together the composite of how we know from external reality as well, then anytime you see intelligibility you see intelligence behind it.

No physical entity in this world explains its own existence.

“Emptiness does not come from being wary of pain, emptiness comes from being wary of pleasure.

If you do not know Christ I would encourage you to turn to the gospel of John and start reading what Jesus has to say, its powerful.

If you do know Christ, treasure that word.

Continue to hunger to have that transcending experience with God and his word.

Here in the west where we have so much and where an economic downturn can cause so much panic the philosophy that this woman lived by is a startling reminder to all of us that, ‘man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’

We have lived beyond our means and at times there comes a reminder that ultimately our faith has to be cast upon God. And not only will he strengthen us but through it all when we’ve come to the other side we become the better for it.

Our faith is only as good as its object. And God is the ultimate object in whom we can trust. ist2_4841643-one-dollar-bill

Read Deuteronomy 8

Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands.  He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.

Suicide is not an Option??? PLEASE HELP!

I’ve heard people are committing suicide/murder because they are broke but as a nation is the situation that bad that we find ourselves at a point where our only hope is in money?

and if it is, is the church a part of the problem or are we addressing the problem in a meaningful manner

and can we do anything to prevent this from happening again? I believe we can if we take the time to first;

Assess what the desires of our hearts are

Do we desire and hunger for the things of God or do we desire and hunger for the things of this world…

And if it is the things of God what sort of disciplines have we put in place for ourselves to attain or receive these things and do we keep ourselves accountable or do others keep us accountable


What are our goals and our passions. Do you have a vision and does your vision align with God’s?


Who do we listen to and what kind of influence are they in our lives…do they desire the same things we do? And are we in community with people who seek God continously


What is our role and how can we use the gifts and talents bestowed upon us to make a difference…

And Fifthly which is the most important is are we taking time everyday to listen to what God has to say in prayer???

If I can answer these five things positively then maybe I have a chance at helping stop a saddening trend that threatens to engulf my neighbor.


Pray, Reflect and Respond.

Action Plan for the Week: to wake up @6am on Fridays to pray for our youth-maybe you can pray with me and keep me accountable in spirit…

Homeless in L.A

There are over 5000 homeless children between the ages of 12 and 17 sleeping on the streets of L.A every night, and most of them are usually turned away from family shelters because of their age.

The Los Angeles Youth Network which is part of the Los Angeles Homeless Services Coalition0 works to address the needs of these children and they only have 35 beds in total.

This is definitely an urgent crisis but most people in L.A  are sheltered from this reality.

I know we can’t all shoulder everyone’s burden but I believe we can all do something to help.

I’ve been reading this blog by Joel John Roberts and he has some interesting facts about the homeless situation that I think you would love to know.

For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.

The economy continues to hit hard, as citizens of Venice are starting to notice a dramatic increase in homeless people sleeping in RV’s and cars parked along their residential streets: Link

In response to this rise in the number of RVs and cars on the streets, officials are proposing to create “zones” away from residents and neighborhoods where people can sleep in their cars.

“Let’s stop kidding ourselves,” said City Councilman Bill Rosendahl. “People are living in their cars. . . . So let’s deal with the reality. In this economic downturn, it’s even increasing.”

Problems and programs similar to this are arising all over Los Angeles County and around the country, as officials respond to citizen complaints of homeless people sleeping in their cars while parking in residential areas where parking is already a hassle. Although several of these people have been suggested to move, most of these car-dwellers have established lives in the area, working or attending schools locally.

Sleeping in cars is still illegal, but the economy has turned the situation so badly that officials are forced to acknowledge the problem and find alternative solutions. Car-dwelling is the first step after being evicted from an apartment, and before entering a traditional shelter.

But rather than assigning special zones away from the neighborhoods where these people will have less of an impact, wouldn’t it be better to focus this attention onto programs to get these people off the streets in general?

Religious Ideas have lost Social Significance in the West

In the old days when the ‘gods’ were someone else the knowledge of what we were did not frighten us but now that we are ‘gods’ ourselves we bear the knowledge for ourselves.

You are free in our time to say that God does not exist. You are free to say that he exists and that he is evil. You are free to say that he would like to exist if he could.

You may talk of God as a mystification or a metaphor. You may boil him down with gallons of long words or boil him down to the rags of metaphysics. And it is not merely that nobody punishes but nobody protests.

But if you speak of God as a reason for changing one’s conduct then the modern world will stop you somehow if it can.

We are long past talking about whether an unbeliever should be punished for being irreverent. It is now thought irreverent to be a believer.

This has happened in the last 30-50yrs alerting us to the path we have entered into.

Our choices now are only going to become more and more difficult and the defense of your belief based on your belief in God is going to be harder to sustain.

How did this come about?

1. The mindset/mood of Secularization

Secularization is a process where religious ideas and religious institutions and interpretations have lost their social significance because God is an encumbrance.

In other words even if you must claim to be a religious person in a secularized society that is alright so long as you don’t bring those ideas about in our social institutions and in public debate. Keep those ideas private.

I want this world not to have meaning because a meaningless world frees me to my own erotic and to my own political pursuits. -Huxley


Once you find out that there is no superior wisdom, no superior cause, it is liberating if not exhilarating. -Steven J. Gul

When religious ideas and institutions and interpretations have lost their social significance and man becomes the pure measure of all things shame as a real response is being removed.

There is nothing sacred anymore.

That’s why psychological theorists today are addressing this whole issue of shame and guilt again trying to put it in the context of the modern mindset, which has jettisoned absolutes but is unable to expel the sense of shame and guilt within.

If secularization is allowed its logical outlooking it makes life unlivable because it eradicates that legitimate sense of shame that God has put into your heart and mine.

Ethics and Morality can only make sense with a Creator in the picture.

Out of your heart are the issues of life

Conviction that is not under girded by love makes the possessor of that conviction obnoxious and the dogma possessed becomes repulsive.

Truth by definition is exclusive. Whenever you make a certain affirmation or assertion you are excluding the opposite. And when you make a statement absolutely if you start qualifying it, it ends up dying to death of a thousand qualifications and sub qualifications.

When Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life he didn’t  say except in… and follow it with a few other ideas but he then looked at the same disciple and said this, “because I live you also shall live.”

The character of Jesus has not just been the highest pattern of virtue but the strongest incentive in its practice. And has exerted so deep an influence that it may be truly said that the simple record of his three short years of active life has done more to regenerate and to soften mankind than all the dispositions of philosophers and all the exaltation s of moralists. (W.H. Lackey, A History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne)

Jesus’ description of the human condition which conforms to reality as we know it tells us again and again that the heart of man is desperately wicked.

For out of the heart are the issues of life; evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.  (Mathew 15:19)

God can never make something great out of you until you first realize how sinful your heart is before him.

And it is the Lord Jesus Christ who describes the human condition.

Crucifixion was invented by the barbarians and taken over by the Greeks and Romans and it was probably the most cruel method of execution ever practiced.

Cicero, a historian, writing about it said, ‘to bind a roman citizen is a crime, to flog him is an abomination, to kill him is almost an act of murder, to crucify him defies language’.

Justice, Love, Forgiveness and Evil all converged on the cross of Jesus Christ. Christ offers us forgiveness to stop sin (evil) from overtaking Justice because of his Love for us.

The heart hungers for this unity in diversity. (university-means unity in diversity) We long for it even within because we are diverse within.

How do we find unity in diversity within our existence?

unity and diversity in the first cause is only found in the community of the Trinity. God from the beginning is a being in relationship.

And your heart and my heart hunger for relationships. All other relationships are secondary until you find the primary relationship with Jesus Christ himself.

You can know him by inviting him into your life.

Jesus Christ embodies the ideal.

(Excerpts taken from a sermon by Ravi Zacharias)ravipointing400

…the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me, but he comes so that the world may learn that I love the Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me. (John 14:30-31)

Read John 14

God is greater than man

Love never lasts for a moment.

There are people in my life that I’ve tried to impress so they could love me; its what I was taught when I was a child. I mean you’ve been there, trying to impress that girl/guy that you thought you liked.

Reading the book of Job, especially chapters 30-34 I hear the same struggle but God isn’t easily impressed.

‘It profits a man nothing when he tries to please God.’ (Job 34:9)

if he remains silent, who can condemn him?  If he hides his face, who can see him? (Job 34:29)

My wickedness or righteousness does not affect God in any way but there are consequences to everything I do.

God doesn’t ask us to impress him but he says if you obey and serve him you will spend the rest of your days in prosperity and your years in contentment.

No man is content without God.

God loves me because I can’t impress him but with man I’ve got to dress to impress-like the interview I’m going to today……

The people in my life I don’t have to impress are the one’s I’m sure of their love, LIKE GOD.

Who do you have to impress today?

I pray that God’s awesomeness overshadows your weakness and that you will receive his love that never lasts for a moment.

Read Job 35

An Emotional Scar

The sermon in church today was on how God heals our scars.

We have all experienced some kind of physical injury growing up that maybe left a scar behind. I believe God gives us those scars as markers to help us connect with our past as we continue to grow in the future.

Emotional scars are even more painful sometimes because they remain hidden unlike physical scars. One of the hardest emotional scars to get over is the loss of a loved one through death or separation.

Emotional scars can distance one from God but God can use that scar to heal you and others too if you let him. He did that with his son Jesus when he appeared to Thomas after his resurrection. Thomas had heard that Jesus had resurrected from the dead but he would not believe until he saw the nail marks in his hands and put his finger where the nails were.

Thomas needed to see Jesus’ scars to believe. What about you; Do you need your emotional or physical scars to believe in Jesus?

Your scar may bring you closer to Jesus or it may lead to others being healed of their scars. Whatever it is I pray that you will find healing in the midst of pain.

Read John 20

“Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

To Die is Gain

The statistics on death are that 1 out 1 dies.

Now I’ve heard some say life is hard and death is easy but what if you lost your only son or daughter, or the person you loved most on this earth; would it be easy then to accept death?

A story was once told about a nuclear physicist who was an agnostic. He thought it was crazy to believe in God. His wife and three daughters were believers and so he decided to go to church with them after a home visit from the pastor. Anytime he would have a chance to talk to the pastor he would ask him questions because he could not get over this notion that somehow the whole of his destiny could be founded on the death of a Galilean carpenter. Was this Galilean carpenter really the incarnate God; and if he was the incarnate God did he rise from the dead; and if he rose from the dead what validity was there and on and on and on…

After the death of his infant son something unprecedented happened. His wife committed her life to Jesus. Which meant to him that if she died she would go to heaven according to the Bible. His girls too had come to a childlike trust in Jesus meaning they would also go to heaven if they died. He then figured if his family would all end up in heaven he would be the only one who was not going, and so he decided to accept Jesus Christ just like his wife had done.

Quite simply with the faith of a little child he entered into the dimension of ‘to me to die is gain’.

It is the same for us today; for today is a day of opportunity for us in our acceptance of him and in our allegiance to him.

Read Philippians 1

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

A New Beginning, A New Psalm

I have a confession to make………..

I struggle to comprehend what God’s intent and purpose for my life is. He revealed himself to me when I did not seek him like Paul on his way to Damascus (“I was found by those who did not seek me; I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me.”-Rom. 10:20).  And Paul suffered for Christ’s sake (But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles….I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.”-Acts 9:15-16).

So is God’s plan for me to suffer for my sins or is his plan to save me from my sins so I can proclaim his name to the Gentiles but still suffer for his name’s sake?

And if the latter is true how can I trust him and embark on this journey of Faith alone?

Answer: Paul did it, so why can’t you? He spoke boldly in the name of the Lord even when they tried to kill him. He learned to trust in God even in the hardest of times because he was sure of his calling. He knew he had been called to proclaim the name of Jesus to the Gentiles.

Do you know what your calling is in 2009?

You may have to deal with pain, loneliness and discouragement but God will never put you to shame for believing in him.

So my pray in 2009 is to be able to spend time with God learning ‘A New Psalm’ so that his intent and purpose for my life may be realized.

What is your prayer for 2009?

Read Romans 10.

For if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Countdown-10 Best Moments of 2008

I counted down my best moments of 2008 not to brag or anything but to invite you to reflect and share your best moments of 2008. I also hope that ya’ll have a safe and exciting 2009!

At number

10. Being at a party in New York on New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day

9. Graduating with my first Master’s from Fuller Seminary

8. Getting a part-time dream job teaching dance

7. Visiting San Francisco in the summer for the first time

6. Being part of a Kenyan dance team in California

5. Surviving a car crash with just chest injuries

4. Having a friend who trusted me enough to let me Dj her wedding

3. Spending time with friends who I love and love me back

2. Seeing my mom for the first time in 3 years and spending Christmas with her

1. Having Jesus as my best friend and being able to share his love with others.

P.S-I’m planning to throw a party on the 23rd or the 24th of January to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.  and Barack Obama’s Inauguration so if you know of a great venue that could host the party please let me know and mark your calendars!

“DJ E” (The Crazy Kenyan) you gotta love him like I do!

Broken, Flawed and Vulnerable; THE BODY OF CHRIST

I woke up today feeling like giving up on the world, not wanting to extend compassion, grace or generosity because the brokenness I see in the world around me is true of my own soul. Struggling to find  Christians who are fierce with reality as Rob Bell puts it who don’t have to spout off how they are right and everyone else is wrong because there is something going on inside of them’ so powerful’, ‘ so tangible’, you can’t help but ask them questions, dying to know why they are the way they are. Those Christians whom you want to explain the reason for the hope that’s within them for you feel like when you are around people like them you sense that in some way you’ve been with Jesus. That group of people whom you find making you believe by their compassion, their generosity, the grace that they extend to others that God hasn’t given up on the world.

But after meditating on his word and this sermon that I realized God wants me to be that Christian as he is rescuing me moment by moment, day by day because he wants to put it all back together, you, me, the whole world by starting deep inside each of us with our awareness that we need help, that we need saving, that we need rescuing that he begins to show us step by step what it looks like to put flesh and blood on this gospel because we all fall short.


For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Jesus and for the gospel will save it. (Mark 8:35)

If people only had your life and they were asked the question has Jesus resurrected from the dead, how would they answer?


“The early Christians believed that a church was a living breathing display of a whole new world that God was bringing about right here, right now.”

They called themselves ‘THE BODY OF CHRIST’.

God give me a passion for you

God give me a passion for you

I just can’t stop loving you for my heart wakes up empty without you

let my steps be a dance that others can follow

when they write songs about you

I hope they can remember how you move me

everything seems shallow nothing seems deep

when I can’t talk about you

I pray that you will be visible to me and still remain indescribable

for you are Amazing God!

God give me a passion for you

let my imperfect ways be perfect in you

as I cry out for love may you draw others like me

closer to your love so we can fulfill your purpose

and be united by the blood of your son

Lord let it run through our veins and

birth a race that can be identified by love

set apart for that higher calling

humbly walking with our God.

God give me a passion for you

to continue inspiring others as you continue to inspire me

to know that I am not alone

taking time to sacrifice what you have already sacrificed for me

Lord this life is yours to pursue

if you show me a heart that prays

I’ll show you a heart that cares

as your vision of me leads me to see that burning fire

revealing who you are

Lord I ask you to part my red sea

and let the world see you are a part of me.

God give me a passion for you!

I’m stepping on stage again

I was looking for a song to inspire me today and I found Tye Tribbett’s song ‘Good in the Hood’

I know there’s alot of bad out there but guess what there’s alot of good too

I got something good inside of me too.

Everybody ain’t
Walking around with baggy jeans being mean
And the lips purple ’cause we smoking trees
Everybody ain’t
Trynna be tough and violent
Matter of fact I know some cats from the hood play the violin

I know we’re living in a post-modern world where God is everywhere but we still need to tap into His Spirit.

Take Prayer seriously, be intentional about loving people and show kindness to a stranger.


“Keep Representing”

They should put this on the 6 o’clock news….

Lyrics to Good In The Hood :
I got something good inside of me
Good in the hood
It’s good in the hood
Good in the hood
I got something good inside of me
Everybody ain’t
Sticking up cars going to bars getting drunk to fight everybody just talking junk
Everybody ain’t
Walking around with baggy jeans being mean
And the lips purple ’cause we smoking trees
Everybody ain’t
Trynna be tough and violent
Matter of fact I know some cats from the hood play the violin
Everybody downtown
Down frown ’cause you around
Just because you wear a suit don’t mean we think u a clown
Some of us are
Going to bed about eleven got to get up real early be at work quater to seven
Some of us are
Going to school not skipping class
Didn’t make the dean’s list but we still goin’ to pass
Some of us are
Taking good care of all our kids
Makin’ sure they got clothes and something in the fridge
Some of us are
Happy with life we down with Christ
Got a good head on our shoulders and we feel alright
Good in the hood
It’s good in the hood
Good in the hood
I got something good inside of me
Good in the hood
It’s good in the hood
Good in the hood
I got something good inside of me
Everybody ain’t
Walking around carrying guns thinking it’s fun
Got two and three girls carrying sons
Everybody ain’t
Wearing all black and selling dope and crack
To teens and fiends whose clothes don’t match
Everybody ain’t
Cussin’ out babies because they driving you crazy
Just maybe they miss their daddy who left them the day before
Everybody ain’t
Sleeping around with everybody in town
And when you hit the college ground it’s going down
Some of us are
Working in barbershops and salons
Making money, paying bills and child support every month
Some of us are
Really good people just had a crazy life
And now in jail for life with long nights
Some of us are
Going to church faithfully
Got to get it right with God before we finally leave
Some of us are
Trynna do better we trynna get it together
And when it’s all said and done we tyrnna go to heaven
Good in the hood
It’s good in the hood
Good in the hood
I got something good inside of me (repeat chorus)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I hope to exchange gifts with you this year

If I could write about love I would write about you

I can’t think about anything beautiful without thinking about you

your heart is full of grace turning a hopeless sinner into a believer

the days that I am alone you comfort me with your presence

when I am filled with doubt I can turn to your word

for you have searched me and you know me

If I could write about love I would write about you that is why

I hope to exchange gifts with you this year since my family is not here

please let your presence be near

I don’t want material or superficial gifts this year

I just want you here.



“Your storms will pass just get ready for the next one.”

Praying makes us better people

Not my will but yours be done Lord.

“God can handle what you are thinking, God can handle how you are feeling, God can handle what you’re saying…”

“Don’t ask God to feed someone who’s hungry if you have plenty of food”

Never stop askin the question what is God up to

God’s desire is that the divine energy that made the world would flow between us and in the process draw us closer together.

prayer is tapping into the same energy that formed the universe

praying connects us to the people and things we are praying for

prayer enlarges our perspective

praying gives us a bigger heart

praying makes us feels things

praying changes things but prayer changes us

praying makes us better people

Not my will but yours be done Lord.

And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. (Heb 10:10)

21… since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22 let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith

having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,…..encouraging one another

26If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left

27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.

36 You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. (verses taken from Hebrews 10)

Christian faith is about how we view the world and how we view our stuff.

I know you’ve probably heard this before but I think we need to hear this everyday because the world has not seen the change yet from us (‘Christians’). For some it may take a day to change and for others it may take them years, I just hope we take steps towards living a full life.

For those of you who have shared their cars, their homes, their food, whatever it is you have sacrificed for someone else your reward is waiting for you in heaven for this life is not our home. Just like Jesus we are called to exemplify kindness, mercy, generosity and grace.

“Putting others first, that isn’t so easy. Serving takes sacrifices. It costs…

Its hard to ask difficult questions on how we spend our money and what we spend our money on.”

Christian faith is about how we view the world and how we view our stuff.

If any one of you has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in you?  Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. (1 John 3:17)

There is a song written on your heart

“When I think of God, I hear a song. Its a song that moves me, it has a melody, it has a groove, it has a certain rhythm and people have heard this song for thousands and thousands of years across continents and cultures and time periods. People have heard this song and they’ve found it captivating and they’ve wanted to hear more and they’ve always been people who say there is no song and who deny the music but the song keeps playing…..” (Rob Bell)

The song is playing all around us all the time. Its written on our hearts and everybody is playing the song.

The writers of the Bible seem far less interested in proving whether God exists and far more interested in talking about what God is like…

An infinite, massive, kind of invisible God that is heard to get our minds around but truth, love, grace, mercy, justice, compassion, the way that Jesus lived I can see that, I can understand that, I can relate to that, I can play that song.

So may you come to see that the song is written on your heart and as you live in tune with the song in tune with the creator of the universe may you realize that you are in relationship with the living God.

Are you comfortable in your own skin

If you need spiritual direction, if you need counseling for fresh perspective, if you need the wisdom of a mentor or the word from trusted friends, get it, ask for it because there is nothing more important.

We work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12)

And to be comfortable in our own skin we need to find our identity; which is in Christ Jesus as he responds to each of us the same way, ‘Come follow me.’

When you ask the wrong questions like what about him, what about her, what about them, you miss the voice of Jesus saying, ‘come follow me.’

So may you do the hard work of the soul to discover your true self. May you find your unique path the one God has for you and in the process may you find yourself comfortable in your own skin.

“If it’s not recorded or documented then it doesn’t even seem worthwhile”

Broadcasting his suicide to an Internet audience, Abraham Biggs, a 19-year-old college student in Pembroke Pines, Fla., took a fatal overdose of pills Wednesday. His family is shocked and angry that his death played out before a live Web audience, some of whom egged him on.



Only after police arrived to find Abraham Biggs dead in his father’s bed did the Web feed stop Wednesday — 12 hours after the 19-year-old Broward College student first declared on a Web site that he hated himself and planned to die.

I know we are living in the information age where the media is playing a huge role in influencing our decisions and how we live which is a stark contrast to when my parents grew up as they didn’t even have a radio in the house but why did Bigg’s life lie on a lifeline over the internet?

It seems like he needed attention but did he have to jump off a bridge to get it….

Was there someone in Bigg’s life that he could have listened to…it seems like he had a lot of ‘online friends’ but none that were close enough to him to really change his mind about his life worth!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he was not the first person to commit suicide with a webcam rolling. But the drawn-out drama — and the reaction of those watching — was seen as an extreme example of young people’s penchant for sharing intimate details about themselves over the Internet.

Montana Miller, an assistant professor of popular culture at Bowling Green State University in Ohio, said Biggs’ very public suicide was not shocking, given the way teenagers chronicle every facet of their lives on sites like Facebook and MySpace.

“If it’s not recorded or documented then it doesn’t even seem worthwhile,” she said. “For today’s generation it might seem, ‘What’s the point of doing it if everyone isn’t going to see it?'”

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Lord I pray that you would change our lives to mirror yours so that we can love one another like you love us.

Something to cheer you up

Have you heard of the story of a lawyer whose name was Odd and all through his life people used to phone him up and make fun of his name and say is that you ‘odd ball’ or is that you ‘odd guy’ and so he was just plagued by the name. Consequently when he left his last will and testament he put specific instructions in the will which said that he did not want his name on his tombstone, so instead he had the inscription placed on his tombstone-‘Here lies an honest lawyer’

and people used to walk through the graveyard and look at it and say, “that’s odd!”

Your character in so many ways is revealed through your name.

So you might ask what does the name of God reveal about his character, well Exodus 3 gives us a clue…

13 Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”

14 God said to Moses, “I am who I am . This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ”

“I AM WHO I AM” means The Self-Existent One. Who else do you know who can say they need nothing or no one. Who else is self-sufficient?

This is why Jesus got into trouble with the Jews when he said “Very truly I tell you, before Abraham was born, I am!” At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds. (John 8:58-59)

See Yahweh was transliterated into Roman script Y H W H because it was considered blasphemous to utter the name of God so it was only written and never spoken.

He spoke and the world came into being.

His name is not to be taken lightly or in vain.

And if you believe in who He says he is do not doubt in his ability to intervene on your behalf.

see his name JEHOVAH-JIREH-simply means the God who provides.

JEHOVAH-JIREH: “The Lord will Provide.” Gen. 22:14. From “jireh” (“to see” or “to provide,” or to “foresee” as a prophet.) God always provides, adequate when the times come.

JEHOVAH-ROPHE: “The Lord Who Heals” Ex. 15:22-26. From “rophe” (“to heal”); implies spiritual, emotional as well as physical healing. (Jer. 30:17, 3:22; Isa. 61:1) God heals body, soul and spirit; all levels of man’s being.

God provides and God heals and that is the truth. He is the one who can solve our problems not George Washington or Benjamin Franklin.


I know you say you love Jesus, But

What do you really live for Ephany? do you live for that special someone in your life or lack of special someone in your life, or for that new car that you desire so much, or for that new apartment or for the new friends more than you live for Christ…

Or are you so consumed about others loving you or pleasing others that you forget to please Christ?

What do you really live for?

Do you think about sharing your faith lovingly with others or are you so afraid that people will look at you different because you are so consumed with your insecurities..

And do you take time to pray for those you say you love or do you just pray that you can spend time with them so that you don’t feel alone

What do you really live for?

Do you just want others to know you and become famous or popular instead of being humble and letting God take center-stage

or Do you hide behind your fears so that you can avoid being judged by others and spend your time looking at the speck in your neighbor’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye

What do you really live for?

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. (Phil 1:21)

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7)

Those who claim to be in the light but hate a fellow believer are still in the darkness. (1 John 2:9)

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for one another. 17 If any one of you has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in you? 18 Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. (1 John 3:16-18)

When you trully love God and trully love others then you already have COMMUNITY!

Because you know that everything you have is from God and its given to you to be shared with others.

Sharing your time, your possessions, your faith and your love is to live for Christ.

Exciting Times

I am excited that God is excited about you. Even though the world tries to paint a gloomy picture we trust in a living God and He has all the power to change each and every circumstance that comes our way according to His will.
He protects, provides and cares for us.
And He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us..(Eph. 3:20)

Youth with a Vision (A Group on Facebook)
is all about sharing what God is doing in our lives with others so that they may be encouraged to grow because when you share what you have with others His love will be seen in you.
We are also a family that is there to pray for one another and encourage each other. What one person can do, two people can probably do better and so we should not be afraid of sharing our prayer needs.

This week I’ve been meditating on Psalm 1 and it talks about the righteous-they are like a tree planted by streams of water, which bears fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.
My sincerest prayer is that we bear fruit and do not wither.

So be encouraged and know that you are loved.



To love you

To love you God is to recognize my brokenness and my need for unconditional love

To love you is to be selfless and to let go of my selfish nature

To love you is to delight in doing your will

To love you is to fore-go my need to be in control

To love you is to believe that you will provide for all my needs

To love you is to let your strength be seen in my weakness

To love you is to care for my neighbor even when they despise me

To love you is to seek the good and not the bad

To love you is to say a prayer

To love you is to be humble even when I should be proud

To love you is to know that you are the source of all inspiration

To love you is to know that you are with me even when I am alone

To love you

I sincerely hope to love you everyday.


Sending out an SOS

I find peace when I read the bible and quieten my spirit to listen to God. It is an old remedy but it works everyday. If I want to be a reflection of him I need to know how He looks like, Right? Look at your mirror (bible) everyday and listen to his voice and pray for a spirit of obedience. This is not news to those of you who have done it before but if you are going through a hard time, I want you to know we are in this together and we can do it together.

kanye-sting-mayerThe world is sending us an SOS, hoping we will get the message in the bottle. You can help me decipher the message and bring hope to those who feel lost and alone.
Just yesterday some guy asked me for some herb (pot) around 12p outside my apartment and I wish i had some but not the earthly kind that gives you a superficial high. Kids are turning to drugs when they could be turning to God but we’ve turned our backs on them.

Where is the hope, where is the love….We know where it is but are we crazy enough to give it to them. I CAN’T DO IT ALONE!

I’m challenged to reach out to you but I am trying, will you do it too…

Like Sting and the Police, I can’t stand losing You.

Do you bond over coffee, over golf, or over the Gospel?

I met two people this weekend whose love for Christ was so evident that I immediately bonded with them.


Paul shares this same bond with the church in Philippi because they were partners with him, they were his co-workers. He writes in Philippians 1:4-5;

In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.

All Paul cared about was the gospel, even while in prison.

When he was going through suffering there was a peace that came from sharing the gospel. He knew whatever happened to him served to advance the gospel. For as a result, it became clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that he was in chains for Christ.

This is what the church was about, for it used to be a gathering of people who had spent the whole week passionately spreading the message of Jesus Christ because they had heard the good news that was so good that that’s all they did all week and then they would meet with the other people who were out doing the same thing all week and they would get together and there was a bond. There was a bond between those people because they were working together, and I have felt that bond with certain people.

You won’t find anywhere in the early church where the early church said lets do community. Lets have you over for dinner for the next three months, or lets have bible-study for the next nine months and maybe we’ll bond and start liking each other.

No the bond automatically happens between people who are co-workers, people who are passionately out doing this thing…They didn’t have to fake or create community it just happened, because when you’re living for the same thing it just happens.

The early church was fired up, they were rejected and beat up because they shared the gospel.

Some may think its really hard for them to tell people about Jesus and its real easy for the rest of us, but its not. Its the same with Jesus, he did not feel like going to the cross, in fact he was begging the Father, ‘is there any other way?’ He was so stressed that he was sweating blood, begging the Father to take the cup away but he was courageous enough to go through it in the end so you and I can be saved from Hell.

Our creator hang naked for us and let us torture him because of his love for us.

Are you embarrassed about your creator and savior? Or do you want to follow Christ and tell others about him.

Let us spend this week talking to people about Jesus. That’s what church is about.

Lets proclaim this gospel until Christ returns.

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and discernment.

I pray that you will learn how to be relevant and at the same time not lose your zeal to share the gospel.

I pray that you would be a co-worker with me.
“to live is to suffer but to survive well thats to find meaning in the suffering”-DMX

A Testimony to Dr. Wagner’s sacrificial life

You can’t have a testimony without a test.

Having been born of a Kenyan father, I came to America and found that I had an American mother. Rev. Wagner became more like a mother to me as she prayed and encouraged me every time I talked to her on the phone. Apart from the support that she sent me every month towards my tuition, she also prayed for me which meant even more to me.

I always looked forward to calling her and hearing from her because she always reminded me of how much God cares for me.

I didn’t realize how hard it would be to follow Christ here at Seminary I thought this would be the best time in my life and it was but not in the way I had envisioned it. I wanted to learn what it meant to be crucified for Christ and I did because our Lord is always practical in his teaching and he also has a sense of humor sometimes.

It was in the beginning of my second year here at Fuller that I got to meet Rev. Wagner. I clearly remember the day, it was a Sunday afternoon and my roommate was gracious enough to drive me to her home. I remember her hospitality and her joy. She was excited about what I was planning to do after receiving my degree here and she told me a little about her journey. I knew then that I was in the presence of a true woman of God.

Her generosity inspires me to do so much more for others. If people like her were not around people like me would not have a chance to be transformed and learn what it truly means to take up your cross.

We are yet to fulfill our potential because everyday God gives us a chance to do even more and I am more than grateful for having someone in my life who will always be a living example to me of what it means to live a sacrificial life.

Thank you Dr. Wagner for all you have done for me and for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

My desire is to live a sacrificial life like yours so that I may pass the test and have a testimony of what the Lord has done for me.

If God did it for you I know he can do it for me.



The cost of being a disciple of Christ

I’ve lived in America now for more than three and a half years and the thing that strikes me the most here is that most of us Christians are starting to believe in a false gospel that perpetuates the idea that God owes us a wonderful life here on earth. To experience pain and suffering is seen as a burden we should not be left to endure and yet Jesus our Lord and savior was not exempt from the same.

I believe God has promised to lead us to the promised land but that belief gives way to my faith being tested just like Abraham’s faith was tested when he accepted God’s promises and he still did not live to see all of those promises being fulfilled. He chose to believe in God even when it was easier not to. He lived on God’s terms which meant having his descendants enslaved for four hundred years.

Stephen, a man full of the Holy Spirit also believed in the promises of God and he was not afraid to proclaim the truth even if it meant dying for what he believed in (Acts 7:54-60). Paul was there when Stephen was stoned to death as he did all he could to oppose the name of Jesus of Nazareth but after Jesus confronted him on his way to Damascus he became convinced that there was no other truth except the truth of Christ (Acts 26:12-18).

Jesus sent him to the Jews and to the Gentiles to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in him.

He was not disobedient to the vision, as he preached first to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and to the Gentiles also. He preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds.

Am I out of my mind? Is my great learning driving me insane?

I believe what I am saying is true and reasonable.

I may not persuade others to become Christians in the short time I am here but I pray to God that all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains.


Ephany, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God—

the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures regarding his Son, who as to his human nature was a descendant of David, and who through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord.

Your friendship reminds me of how much God is present in my life

Today I am blessed to have friends who pray for me and encourage me when I am feeling down. Its hard to know if I am walking in God’s will or not sometimes and so when someone calls me and reminds me that I just need to continue trusting in God even though I can’t always see how he is working in my life I feel really blessed.

Not having a full time job and needing to renew my visa which takes six months is a scary place to be right now but having someone praying for me for that reminds me just like Paul when he was  writing his letter to the Philippians that God is still concerned for me even when I am weak and undeserving.

I am still a sinner and that makes me hate being a christian sometimes coz  I serve a holy God who never makes mistakes but I do and yet he still loves me, how can that be? I pray he forgives me when I fall, I don’t think there is anyone more grateful for his mercy than me when he does.

I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.(Phil. 4:10-13)

Examining your character


How do we see the world we live in?

The lens through which we see the world shapes the way we interpret the world

e.g.-is it a black or white lens, a female or a male lens, a conscious or an unconscious lens?


How do you interpret success?

Do you view it in terms of public image or of attitude and behaviors, or of an ability to play a positive role in other people’s lives?


“Your attitude determines your altitude,” “Smiling wins more friends than frowning,” and “Whatever the mind of man/woman can conceive and believe it can achieve.”


What role do you want to play in life?


We all have different personalities and the ability to be motivated or motivate others is something we can learn and grow into. We all feel pressured by the social expectations placed on us but our character is determined by how we respond to the hardships we all face in life.


It takes practice to be a good dancer but a lot of practice to be a great dancer. “You reap what you sow;” there is no shortcut. It’s the same in life developing deep integrity and fundamental character strength helps us to deal with the challenges of life and achieve long-term success.


Social recognition for your talent does not develop character because skill and technique can only buy you short-term success which is then replaced by human relationship failure.


It’s like having a map of Detroit when you’re trying to get to Chicago

You could have a great attitude or behavior but that still wouldn’t change the fact you’re lost.

The way we see things is the source of the way we think and the way we act.

We see the world as we are not as it is.


The more aware we are of our basic paradigms, maps, or assumptions, and the extent to which we have been influenced by our experience, the more we can take responsibility for those paradigms, examine them, test them against reality, listen to others and be open to their perceptions, thereby getting a larger picture and a far more objective view. (A summary from Stephen Covey’s book, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People)

Hiphop teaches me not to hold back

<!–[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 <![endif]–><!–[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]–> Hiphop teaches me not to hold back

God this is for you

I hope when they see me they see you

It’s all a show to them

But I’m praying for them

If I didn’t have this life

I wouldn’t be this tight

You’ve given me this life

For a reason

To be ready in and out of season

So I’m giving it up to you

Coz you are the one who is true

Even when they be tripping

You’re the one who keeps me leaping

Back and forth I can’t be creeping

When I accepted your love

You turned me around and now

I don’t have to be lost to be found.


I would love to sing for you

But right now I can only dance for you

I’m only a touch away

That’s what you tell me today

When they be looking for money

You ask me to wait on you then I’ll get paid

You don’t ask me to sit around doing nothing

You just ask me to pray and give something

Something that the kids will love

Be inspired and touch another life

Like back in the day I used to try to make every girl my wife

A bad boy without the doe

But now because of your word I can grow

Into the man a godly woman can love

I know their object is survival but God is my only idol

Your addiction can be broken down

Coz loving you is his weakness

And I’m his witness.


Music is a beautiful thing

But this is our time

What the world can do we can do better

Having been given a vision I realize my mission

I can’t be wasting time thinking about my coldest winter

Coz God didn’t give up on Peter

You’re the church they are looking for

An album that talks about real love

If you hold back nobody is going to listen to you

This is what they’ve been waiting for

a God who is eternal.

p.s-Please pray for me to be a light to the kids i teach dance on Tuesdays and for my DJ gig on the 7th of November.

I love you all.



I only had $1.13 yesterday and prayed for a miracle

Do you believe in a God who can order ravens to feed his prophet because I do. With only $1.13 in my account I felt overwhelmed because of all the bills I had to pay by Friday so I told my friend yesterday that the only thing that could save me was a miracle like the one God did for the Widow at Zarephath.
I was experiencing a drought. With only bread to last me a day I needed my jar of oil to keep overflowing and only God could do it and he did it today. I got out of the house around 12p and came back and there was a letter for me, inside was a check for $300. Who else could answer a prayer like that?
I got an advanced check that I didn’t even ask for.
See my mind wanted to doubt but my heart knew that only faith could see me through. Without his faithfulness I would be faithless.
Malachi 3:10; Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.
Give back to him and he will keep your jar overflowing with oil.

The Widow at Zarephath (1 Kings 17)

7 Some time later the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land. 8 Then the word of the LORD came to him: 9 “Go at once to Zarephath of Sidon and stay there. I have commanded a widow in that place to supply you with food.” 10 So he went to Zarephath. When he came to the town gate, a widow was there gathering sticks. He called to her and asked, “Would you bring me a little water in a jar so I may have a drink?” 11 As she was going to get it, he called, “And bring me, please, a piece of bread.”

12 “As surely as the LORD your God lives,” she replied, “I don’t have any bread—only a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil in a jug. I am gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it—and die.”

13 Elijah said to her, “Don’t be afraid. Go home and do as you have said. But first make a small cake of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me, and then make something for yourself and your son. 14 For this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: ‘The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the LORD gives rain on the land.’ ”

15 She went away and did as Elijah had told her. So there was food every day for Elijah and for the woman and her family. 16 For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the LORD spoken by Elijah.

Understanding Your Destiny

This year I have had three people speak prophetically to me about my destiny. They each gave me a vision of what God was showing them regarding His purpose for my life. I never asked for these visions but God chose them to give them to me anyway.

All three of them told me they believe there is a greater calling on my life, and that it might sound scary but if I have faith then I have nothing to fear.

God’s desire is for me to trust Him to accomplish what He says will do through me.
Sharing this is not meant to intimidate or discourage anyone but it is to exhort others also to believe in the one who created the Heavens and Earth. If He can do something miraculous in my life, He can do it in yours too.

When God choses you for a great destiny, it means He is committed to see you through no matter what you do to displease Him. His righteousness is not dependent on us, it is our righteousness that is dependent on Him.

I know my struggle better, and I know we all struggle to be obedient to God all the time but sometimes we fall into sin because we are afraid to seek help.

When we feel weak and feel like our prayers are ineffective, we need to ask God to show us people we can turn to for prayers.

When I received my third prophetic vision of my destiny, the one prophesying over me said he could see a chain around my neck, in the spiritual realm. This chain was holding me back from finding peace in the destiny God has for me and it was only after I allowed that person to pray over me that the chain was released.

Another struggle of mine is commitment. Being single means you’re free to mingle, literally.
I can’t say I have always made the wisest choices in this regard, but now what I believe God is teaching me is I need to learn to be completely committed to Him first before I can commit to anyone else. It also means that I cannot commit myself to someone who is not completely committed to God first if I am to reap the full benefits of a Godly relationship.

Loneliness is a disease only love can cure.

To make this short, I need to be okay with being alone with God and making sure I don’t run to people to feel fulfilled if I don’t feel fulfilled in God in the first place.
There are many people who feel lonely because they want people and things to fill their emptiness. We all want to feel needed, but if we fail to accept our need for God then everything we do is in vain.

Your destiny is determined by your commitment God.

Your first commitment is to God.
Your relationship with God demands reciprocity.
Any relationship that has no real reciprocity will die.
God is not a slot machine. His promises are real and not by chance.
What He says, He will do.
You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13 ESV)

Your second commitment is to your family.
You have to believe in the “We” and the “Us” and not the “me” and the “you”. Commitment is not a feeling you switch on and off.

Your third commitment is to your church.
If you don’t learn to give like you get, you will find your spirit begin to lose hope, patience and perseverance.
It is not about your pastor, it is about you. Are you willing to give and serve in your church?
Anything that takes more than it gives will eventually cause destruction.

Are you expecting more from God, family, and church than you are willing to invest?
If there is any area of your life that you are expecting more than you are willing to invest, you will be perpetually disappointed.

If you suffer with me, you will reign with me. (2 Timothy 2:12)

Read the book of Psalms chapter 1.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:1, 2 NIV)

Is Pain Necessary? What Is Your Calling (Part 2)?

Now these are the nations that the Lord left, to test Israel by them, that is, all in Israel who had not experienced all the wars in Canaan.

It was only in order that the generations of the people of Israel might know war, to teach war to those who had not known it before. (Judges 3:1-2 ESV)

Driving around San Francisco is a real treat sometimes, especially after the sun sets. It’s when you’re at the top of the hill that you get a clear view of the city. It’s a beautiful sight.

Coming down is inevitable like going through life with the experience of pain.

I met this beautiful girl the other day and we began sharing stories about our day. She told me how she had to work on the weekend, and I told her that wasn’t so bad because she was still getting paid. When she asked me about my day I told her about my back accident, and she immediately felt sympathy for me.

We were just strangers until we shared intimate details about our lives.

Before we each shared our pain, we had been joking around and laughing because we both understood how life can be a paradox.

After our brief interaction, she said that I was the best part of her day.

Without pain my life wouldn’t be perfect.

I meet so many different kinds of people in San Francisco, yet I still find something in common with each of them.

From the space scientists to the tech engineers, their stories bear a similar thread. Being nice comes at a price.

They all thank me for taking them from point A to point B. The Israelites asked God to do the same for them. They cried out to God in Egypt so He could bring them out to the promised land, but God made sure they understood there was a price they had to pay.

They were for the testing of Israel, to know whether Israel would obey the commandments of the Lord, which he commanded their fathers by the hand of Moses. (Judges 3:4 ESV)

Where is your promised land?

Is it in advancing in your career? Is it in marriage? Is it in raising a Godly family?

My promised land is here, sharing my pain with strangers, so maybe one of them will see God can become the best part of their day.

As long as I continue to allow myself to be like the clay in the potter’s hands, I know God’s word will change me and shape me in the way that seems best to Him.
Will you allow yourself to be like clay in His hands?

It will be painful, but the pain is only there to test you for the war ahead.

DJ Pastor Ephany!
Catch Me If You Can – Tedashii

What is Your Calling?

What Is Your Calling?

And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve,..
But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15 ESV)

This verse took me back to the days when I was growing up in my parent’s three-bedroom mansion in Nairobi, for my dad had bought this wooden plaque with this verse inscribed on it.

I remember most homes I walked into back then had the same plaque hanging in their living room wall.

Today, I’m sitting in this two bedroom apartment in Silicon Valley conflicted by thoughts of loneliness and a deep desire to please God. Which makes no sense until I realize how much it truly means to me to understand what my calling is, that I have been willing to give up sensual pleasures, ‘friends’, and family. Being alone, and isolated from any kind of community is the closest I think one can be to living an unfulfilled life. Yet it is the life I am called or forced to thrive in at this time. This is not the first time I have been or felt isolated from others but it is the first time in many years that it has felt like a test. I find myself at a cross-roads and I need to choose today whom I will serve.

Jesus often isolated himself from others to pray. In fact before the beginning of his ministry he was led into the wilderness alone for forty days by the Holy Spirit to be tempted there by the devil. For forty days and forty nights he ate nothing. Yet the devil could not get him to fall into temptation.

There are times I feel we are called to be alone with God in order to find strength, hope, patience, faith, love, and assurance of lasting community with the Father, son and Holy Spirit. It is in these times we can truly identify with Christ’s suffering. Being affirmed is important to me, so when I’m alone and I choose to read the word of God my heart becomes overwhelmed with love.

I call it love because I don’t know how else to describe it. It is this feeling of wanting to be vulnerable with others in order to share in what God is doing or wants to do.

It’s like a blessing and a curse at the same time, for vulnerability depicts weakness.

Most people would rather not show anyone their weaknesses. They would rather let fear control who they are.

God’s love trumps fear.

Heaven is for real. I sound like I’m preaching but the truth is, this is not something everyone is willing to admit. Sometimes it takes us to be isolated from what is around us for our eyes, ears and hearts to be opened to what we have been called to. Sharing God’s word with others is only the beginning to what our true calling really is.

What is your calling?


About Me: An Untamed Desire To Win.

Rappers like to talk about themselves, preachers like to talk about God and themselves. Different type of hustlers. The best rappers are committed to spitting their best rhymes, whilst the best preachers must be committed to re-examining their lives as compared to the best (Jesus) and be committed to repenting of their shortcomings daily. To be the best rapper you need to be liked the most. To be the best preacher you need to be hated the most.

God can see how people don’t like you and bless you because of it.

Rappers have enemies, just like preachers. The more enemies you have the better you become. The world loves rappers who insult their haters with their rhymes, but God blesses you because of those who hate you. Most rappers have low self-esteem, so they compensate for it by chasing after fame. Preachers are just the same, except they understand their self worth is not wrapped around fame, money or women. They find their worth in the blood of Jesus who paid to compensate for all our sins.

You are only a reflection of who you look up to.

To be the best you have to beat the best, and that’s what Biggie and Tupac tried to do. They were ready to die for unprecedented acclaim. Paul attempted to kill all Christians so his Jewish faith could be the only one proclaimed, but instead he converted to become one of them in order to lay claim to being a follower of Christ and gave his life in obscurity without precedented acclaim.

Faith is the bridge between winners and losers.

The best rapper is ambitious and so is the best preacher, we both like to win. The measuring standard isn’t money, cars and fame. It’s the souls they win over for the cause they’re fighting for. You’ll never know if you pack the best punch until you get in the ring. I’m like Rocky, if you knock me down I’ll just keep coming back up until you can’t win.

I feel invisible today because I prayed.

There is a power in me, the enemy can’t even play with.

These are the assertions of a desperate man with an untamed desire to win. If 50 cent thinks he’s winning, then my God is a liar. Mayweather knows what it feels like to be undefeated, I know what it feels like to have a father whose roar scares others to concede defeat. His record is undisputed and His power is a destructive force to those who find reason to doubt. If winning is an addiction, God is who you need to keep running back to.

Silicon Valley

In 1957 a group of eight scientists signed a dollar bill in Santa Clara which would become known as Silicon Valley’s Declaration of Independence. This was their declaration:

“We are going to start a company according to our own ideals and our own beliefs, and nothing is going to stop us.”

The coining of the phrase ‘Silicon Valley’ was more than ten years in the future when they started their company.

Technology that would usher in a new history was to be birthed here.

The Santa Clara Valley in Northern California as it was known back then, was not an obvious spot for technological innovative companies at that time.

But in the 1950’s Stanford University started to lease land to technology companies at bargain prices.

This led to Americans moving to northern California in search of new opportunities. They came in large numbers like they did during the gold rush.

In 1947 Dr. Shockley invented the transistor. A key development in electrical engineering. It was the basis for the transistor radio which was the most popular electronic device in America in the 50’s.

Dr. Shockley then moved to California in the 50’s and when Robert Noyce, a young scientist first talked to him on the phone he said, “it was like talking to God.”

William Shockley in 1956 recruited a group of eight young PhD graduates with the goal to develop and produce new semiconductor devices. While Shockley had received a Nobel Prize in Physics and was an experienced researcher and teacher, his managing of the group created harsh working conditions. He chose a strategy for circuit design that failed and created an intolerable working atmosphere.

The traitorous eight as they later became known, decided they had to leave Shockley’s laboratory and in September 1957 started their own company with the help of Sherman Fairchild. Fairchild was the largest shareholder of IBM at the time.
The newly founded company soon grew into a leader of the semiconductor industry.

In 1960 it became an incubator of Silicon Valley.

Starting your own company back in the 50’s was considered very risky and the consequences of failure were catastrophic. Generally when you worked for a certain company the idea was you would stay with the same company until you retired. Loyalty was one of the values Americans held to highly at the time.

Silicon Valley became the hub of startups. A startup company or startup is a company, a partnership or temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.

On October 4th 1957, the Russians launched the first satellite into space giving a technological blow to the United States.
The space race was on and the Fairchild Semiconductor, the company formed by the traitorous eight was to invent transistors that could withhold the rigours of space, due to a contract from the air force Noyce helped win.

“Brilliant people with brilliant ideas exist all the time. It’s just a question of being a brilliant person with a brilliant idea in the right place at the right time where people want what you’ve come up with.”

Santa Clara county has more Phd’s in high technology than any place in the world.

This all came about from the new business culture created by Robert Noyce and his associates at Fairchild Semiconductor, which encouraged camaraderie and openness over hierarchy. It was all about what can you bring to the table.

The atmosphere of the early Fairchild was a combination of a college dormitory frat house with a sort of country house locker room. Basically a bunch of men in their twenties starting to make real money, competing with each other on who had the bigger swagger.
It was too much talent stuffed into one place.
The wagon wheel was the pub of choice and marriages had 150% divorce rates.

By the mid 60’s Fairchild had broken off into numerous other companies which were looking to profit from this invention of transistors that constituted to a microchip. (An integrated circuit or monolithic integrated circuit (also referred to as an IC, a chip, or a microchip) is a set of electronic circuits on one small plate (“chip”) of semiconductor material, normally silicon.)

This birth of startup companies gave way to what we know now as Silicon Valley.

“Success breeds discontent.”

When a failure to reinvest its profits on its employees and internal strife began to mount Fairchild Semiconductor began to disintegrate.

Giving everything up and starting from scratch was the reality people like Noyce lived for.

Fairchild executives started their own firm again in July of 1968 called ‘INTEL’-Integrated Electronics.
This firm invented the microprocessor, a brain child of Robert Noyce. His firm drove technology at break neck pace. This cutting edge technology business model began with Intel.

By the time Intel brought to light the microprocessor the Santa Clara Valley bore little resemblance to the waste farm land it was 15 years earlier when Shockley set up shop. The number of high technology jobs had increased ten fold in the area. And the population of San Jose, the valley’s largest city had more than doubled to nearly half a million.

After 1971 the Santa Clara valley would increasingly be known as ‘Silicon Valley’.

The name soon to be synonymous with risk, technological innovation, and the new brand of the American Dream was now coined.

This valley is perpetually young. It’s always made up of the next generation’s brand of entrepreneurs, having their ‘kill your dad moment’ they start their own companies. They are not real big on history around here, and they don’t look back very much. Innovation is everything. How are you different! How are you better!
The rest of it is gut busting hard working engineering, but the idea to do something different is the magic of Silicon Valley, then and now.

Am I on the verge of doing something different?
Did God bring me here to start my own company/firm/ministry so I can have my ‘kill your dad moment’?

These are all questions I have half-answered. Nothing happens by chance, and God is always looking to bless those who have faith in Him.

Creating an app for young people who are searching for spiritual mentors they can interact and share stories with would be a great first step to reaching out to them. I love ministering to young people of all ages and especially the ones with special needs as I have experience in learning about and teaching this population. By giving my time to such a venture I feel would rekindle the passion inside of me greatly.

How can you help?

How are you different?

How are you better?

Pray for this app to be invented-‘God-in-Me’. And we can help make a difference to our young generation.



You can be a Christian and still be a sinner. It’s like being a Republican who favors the death penalty. We are unwilling to forgive each other yet we claim to be saved by grace.

Worship is not the mark of a Christian. Idols are worshiped on man made altars to be applauded and adored. When mocking Jesus is considered funny in some cultures, then what is really revered? If they chopped off John’s head maybe my faith isn’t worth as much.

How can I live to die?

I need Jesus to be my curse word, because I want the world to know I am cursed in sin but when I utter his name he reminds me of his grace.
Hating Christians won’t solve the world’s problems, seeking after the eternal truth will.

God’s invisible qualities are clear for all to see.

Atheists deny the existence of God but they can’t deny the existence of time and science. Yet all these things point us in the direction of a creator. If two human beings can create a passionate being, able to feel. How is it that we are not able to let ourselves feel for a greater being who passionately loves us?

I am passionately loved.

There are millions of women who would fall for a man who is worth millions. I wonder if there is a woman who would fall for a man who is not worth a dime? A man who gives everything he has for the sake of love is not just a Hollywood script, it is the most rare thing to find.

I want God to hold me when I’m alone, for I’m alone often.

I Am Rocky!

There is a war going on and we must stand up and be counted in the face of terror. The enemy’s greatest weapon is fear, and to defeat this enemy we have to understand that he is just a bully. It is a known fact bullies are just cowards who try to intimidate others with their size, but just like Ivan Dragon in Rocky IV his best punch can never knock the bravest of hearts.

You can feel the tension when you’re being prepared for the fight of your life.

#Bring Back Our Girls
#End Terrorism in Kenya and the world.

No pain, no pain, no pain.

In Rocky IV
Rocky makes it to the last round and the crowd is chanting his name, Rocky, Rocky, Rocky, Rocky…
The same crowd that hated him in the beginning is now in his corner not because of who he is but because of what he represents.

The question in this round then is who wants to win this fight the most.

Will you let fear reign, or will you fight till the end?

Every fighter has a past.

Your past is all the ammunition the enemy uses to load up his weapon, but here is a fun fact; “your past has been erased by the blood of the lamb.”

In Rocky 1
The night before the big fight, Apollo is supremely self-confident, convinced that the whole thing will be over in a few rounds.

Rocky, on the other hand, has become more introspective and realizes that he probably can’t defeat the champ. However, if he can just go the full fifteen rounds with Creed- something that’s never been done before- he’ll know in his heart that he really is somebody.

Fast-forward to the end and Creed is given the final victory and retains the Championship title.
Yet, Rocky Balboa is crowned the true champion in the eyes of the world that night, because he managed to go the full fifteen rounds and never once gave up.

Defeat is not failure.

Losing the fight doesn’t mean you’ve lost the war. In fact, you are closer to your victory than you’ve ever been before.
Once you become wiser to the enemies tricks it is much harder for you to fall into the same trap again.
The enemy is aware of this so he is more afraid of you, but he is also determined to put everything on the line.

For you to win you have to adopt the mind of Christ. The battle is not yours, but God’s.

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. (Isaiah 26:3 ESV)

It brings me joy and comfort to live my life knowing all the struggles of this life are only a foreshadow of the victory I will have when I endure it all with Christ.

To seek justice is to seek peace. To seek peace you have to fight fear with courage till the end.

I am putting everything on the line for the sake of Christ, to see cowards defeated. Will you do the same?

Going Bananas

God has given me a vision and it’s time for me to act on it. If I don’t I have everything to lose.

This might sound like gibberish to you but that’s what they said two thousand years ago on the day of Pentecost.

On that day it is recorded how the descent of the Holy Ghost came upon the first Christians shortly after the ascension of Christ and they began “Speaking with tongues.”

“Every now and then we hear that in some revivalist meeting one or more of those present has burst into a torrent of what appears to be gibberish. The thing does not seem to be edifying, and all non-Christian opinion would regard it as a kind of hysteria, an involuntary discharge of nervous excitement.”(p 92 ‘The Weight Of Glory – C.S. Lewis)

Yet this event is built into the very fabric of the birth story of the church.

People speaking gibberish or in some cases ‘going bananas’.

The problem I find here on earth and many of you might agree, is trying to represent a three-dimensional world on a flat sheet of paper.

“The solution is perspective, and perspective means that we must give more than one value to a two-dimensional shape.” (p 100 ‘The Weight Of Glory – C.S. Lewis)

What keeps you up late at night?

When I can’t sleep and my mind wanders off into space I feel like my heart is on fire and there is a voice speaking to me.

Revealing to me his mysteries.

The world tells me because I’m black I’m a monkey.

The world tells me because I’m black I have nothing to offer except play sports or be an entertainer.

How can the world turn it’s back on me.

I bleed the color red.

I bleed for those who are killed everyday.

I hide my tears because you laugh at my pain.

How long will I be a slave to your pursuit of wealth.

You can’t define who I am because just like a flower you will eventually fade.

Loving to hate is the same as living to die.

We were created for more.

Breathing isn’t easy but if we can find a way to love others not just for the color of their skin but for what they represent beyond a two-dimensional shape, then maybe we might be able to edify each other and what I say will no longer be gibberish.

My goal this week is to begin writing a newsletter with a view to inform the world of a “greater three-dimensional worldview” by reflecting on current issues with a biblical perspective.

Going bananas for a vision.

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; ….(Isaiah 61:1 ESV)



The greatest men in history were all culpable of human error.

Yet their reputation preceded their character.

One minute you’re standing on solid ground, the next minute- you’re not.

The mistakes they made never defined their legacy, it is their will to succeed and influence others for good that made them great.

Nothing makes me more determined to succeed in this life than the hope of finding redemption when I fail.

It feels like sometimes living in this world is a death sentence but just because death is inevitable doesn’t mean we can’t live this life trying to be great.

Your life will be determined by the prize or mission you live to attain.

This is why I think what you believe in and give your allegiance to is imperative.

You Will Never Walk Alone.

When I was younger I used to believe one day I would grow up to be the greatest soccer player that ever lived.
My favorite soccer player was Diego Armando Maradona and I loved watching his games on TV because to me he was the best player ever.

When I played on the street in Kenya with my friends I tried dribbling just like him, and even though I was right footed at first I trained hard to be just as good with my left foot.

I still remember my last official game in high school. I played as a left sided winger and scored the first goal of the game after dribbling past my marker and scoring by putting the ball past the keepers legs, because he wasn’t sure which foot I was going to shoot with.

We were two games away from playing in the championship game and even though we lost the game in the end, the thought of quitting soccer never crossed my mind nor the thought of being great one day.

Only a few men succeed where others have failed.

The argument could be made for who is the greatest man of all time. On my list these are my top five;

1. Jesus
2. Muhammad
3. William Shakespeare
4. Aristotle
5. Abraham Lincoln

The battlefield begins in the mind.

As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. (Proverbs 23:7)

As you think about who you are and give it the right amount of attention, you will eventually believe it.

The greatest men were revolutionaries.

Who do you believe yourself to be?

I believe I am called to motivate and inspire others to play on God’s team, doing all I can through Christ who strengthens me.

For I was born to claim victory in Jesus’ name that’s why I’m alive today and worship him.

It’s spiritual warfare, ya’ll!

Giving the world something tangible is what I hope to achieve as I continue to receive the tangible love of God who gave his only son to die for my sins.

Thoughts that aren’t worded don’t have meaning, therefore can’t exist in our lives.

We are a thought in God’s mind.

Jeremiah 29:11

God created you to solve the problems in the world, not to fall in them.

Are you the greatest of all time?

Will you let your destiny be dictated by failure or will failure be the key to unlocking your destiny?

Steven Gerrard is still the #G.O.A.T.

Learn to be thankful no matter what you’re going through.

If you believe in the greatest man who ever lived then you are called to be great.

I am a revolutionary!

At the sound of our praise,
The heavens will shake
And the earth will move.

Release us Oh Lord from a spirit of inferiority to others.
Release us from a spirit of poverty and replace it with the spirit of giving.
Help us not to conform to the patterns of this world but instead be transformed by the renewal our thinking.
And may we truly believe we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.


To be continued….


Did God Create His Own Nemeses

Has good and evil always co-existed since the beginning of man, just like super heroes have super villains as their nemeses? And if man knows what is good or bad, is man then like god? Hebrew scriptures give us a succinct picture of a moral God who defines the limits of man’s existence. This God first gives man the keys to his kingdom and then dangles a ‘carrot’ in his face and says to him, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” Clearly, the temptation was just too good to pass up. Living like a king was never going to be enough if you can be your own ultimate ruler. The story gets even better as there was a serpent more craftier than any of the other wild animals, meaning there were other crafty wild animals living with man. This serpent was able to convince the woman to eat of the forbidden tree, which begs the question who created this crafty serpent?

If you skip to the end you find man is banished from the garden of Eden and is never allowed to eat from the tree of life because he has now become like God. So, can we be like God? And can man be blamed for his own downfall, if he never had a fighting chance? I’m talking about going against a supreme being who has the power to orchestrate the existence of an entire universe. He is like a father who left the keys to his Ferrari on the table and told his teenage son he can only drive the ‘beat up’ Honda civic. Forgetting his teenage son has a ‘hot’ girlfriend who wants to be impressed. Throw in a jealous ‘ex’ boyfriend and tell me what else do you expect. The father comes back to find his son has crushed his precious Ferrari and instead of checking to see if his son is okay, he kicks him out of the house with only the Honda civic to drive the rest of his life. 

This is not the whole story though. 

There is a lesson to be learned. Whoever owns the keys to your heart ultimately reigns over you.

I am just like any man, I give my heart to what is more compelling at a particular time. Without having any illusions to what is real or not, I think we owe it to ourselves to ask questions pertaining to our existence. There is a world out there we have not yet explored that isn’t dictated by time and if we live our lives now like there is no time left, we will find the pursuit of all things good much more life giving than sacrificing each day for what ultimately leads to death.