To Die is Gain

The statistics on death are that 1 out 1 dies.

Now I’ve heard some say life is hard and death is easy but what if you lost your only son or daughter, or the person you loved most on this earth; would it be easy then to accept death?

A story was once told about a nuclear physicist who was an agnostic. He thought it was crazy to believe in God. His wife and three daughters were believers and so he decided to go to church with them after a home visit from the pastor. Anytime he would have a chance to talk to the pastor he would ask him questions because he could not get over this notion that somehow the whole of his destiny could be founded on the death of a Galilean carpenter. Was this Galilean carpenter really the incarnate God; and if he was the incarnate God did he rise from the dead; and if he rose from the dead what validity was there and on and on and on…

After the death of his infant son something unprecedented happened. His wife committed her life to Jesus. Which meant to him that if she died she would go to heaven according to the Bible. His girls too had come to a childlike trust in Jesus meaning they would also go to heaven if they died. He then figured if his family would all end up in heaven he would be the only one who was not going, and so he decided to accept Jesus Christ just like his wife had done.

Quite simply with the faith of a little child he entered into the dimension of ‘to me to die is gain’.

It is the same for us today; for today is a day of opportunity for us in our acceptance of him and in our allegiance to him.

Read Philippians 1

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.