Suicide is not an Option??? PLEASE HELP!

I’ve heard people are committing suicide/murder because they are broke but as a nation is the situation that bad that we find ourselves at a point where our only hope is in money?

and if it is, is the church a part of the problem or are we addressing the problem in a meaningful manner

and can we do anything to prevent this from happening again? I believe we can if we take the time to first;

Assess what the desires of our hearts are

Do we desire and hunger for the things of God or do we desire and hunger for the things of this world…

And if it is the things of God what sort of disciplines have we put in place for ourselves to attain or receive these things and do we keep ourselves accountable or do others keep us accountable


What are our goals and our passions. Do you have a vision and does your vision align with God’s?


Who do we listen to and what kind of influence are they in our lives…do they desire the same things we do? And are we in community with people who seek God continously


What is our role and how can we use the gifts and talents bestowed upon us to make a difference…

And Fifthly which is the most important is are we taking time everyday to listen to what God has to say in prayer???

If I can answer these five things positively then maybe I have a chance at helping stop a saddening trend that threatens to engulf my neighbor.


Pray, Reflect and Respond.

Action Plan for the Week: to wake up @6am on Fridays to pray for our youth-maybe you can pray with me and keep me accountable in spirit…